Our Shopper Research work

We provide robust, actionable retail and shopper insights for both brand owners and retailers. Our range of research techniques combine to build a composite picture of brand, store, proposition and product – all from the shopper’s point of view.

Coca-cola recycling research

Research informs Coca-Cola’s recycling initiative at Shell UK sites

OOMCO Convenience image 1

OOMCO new Ahlain C-Store Format

Costa Coffee store format category development

Costa Coffee store format & category development


Shell global retail refresh

Audio city retail shopper research

Audi City design and development of a new digital car showroom

Majestic retail store design London

Majestic Wine new retail format concept

Sikkens b2b retail store design

Sikkens professional paint store roll out

Swarovski jewellery retail shopper research

Swarovski global shopper research


New store concept for Kuwait’s first cash and carry format

Britvic cinema shopper research

Unlocking category growth opportunities for Britvic

Turkcell flagship store design

Turkcell flagship store design and roll out

Galp petrol forecourt retail design

Galp Energia forecourt retail design